worth the wait foods.



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Time + Effort = Worth It.

I’m on a mission to help my friends and neighbors value the time and effort required to make good food great—while showing you that the time and effort isn’t as much as you may think. Here you’ll find recipes and classes to help you hone your techniques and improve your skills in the kitchen.


Recent Recipes



Cooking is best learned by doing. I offer a few small classes a year to help you feel confident before investing time and effort on your own.

About Me


I grew up in a household where dinner was made by my mom every night. We rarely ever had take out and going out to dinner was only for extremely special occasions. Since moving out on my own, I have craved the heart that I found in my mother’s cooking, and have become obsessed with elevating flavors, learning new techniques and expanding my knowledge of food.

I have been inspired to teach my friends and neighbors after hearing “Ugh, I suck at cooking.”, “Wow, I could never make this.” and “I would do this, but it’s too much work.” time and time again. I understand the hesitation and intimidation to try new things in the kitchen. I understand the fear of investing time and effort into a meal with the chance that it might not work out. But I am here to help. You CAN make great food at home—food that is better than take out and even better than what you might find at an upscale restaurant—for less than half the cost.

With a focus on from-scratch cooking & baking, as well as perfected traditional recipes and fermented foods, I’ll show you that you don’t suck at cooking, and that you can make good food great. Because great food is worth the wait.